Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Holidays phobia

Ever get the feeling that whenever your studying, you'll wish that its the holiday season and start making countdowns for the next holidays season. So when the holidays has finally arrived and we'll go 'weeeeee the school holidays are here!' putting on big smiles on the last day of school. Well some people even miss out the last day of school. No harm having a day of extra holidays right.

BUT, halfway through the holidays and we'll feel bored and go 'sighs, i hope school's gonna reopen soon'. On the last day of holiday we can see those sad faces on some of the teens face.

I'm having a serious one right now. Malaysian have a total of 16 days of national holidays. That include Labor's Day, Agung's Birthday, our National Day and other Malaysia Boleh day eg. Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and Wesak Day. A total of 78 days of school holidays. Means, we, teenagers have a total of 91 days of holidays. Quite a number, aye ? Not to forget, there's a new national holiday day. Its called MALAYSIA DAY! (Seriously, I'm not kidding...)

In the year of Tiger, 2010, twenty-ten or whatever catchy phrases for this year there's 365 days. 102 days of them are weekends. Come lets do some calculation. 365 - 102 - 78 - 16 = ... 169 ! Imagine a typical Malaysian teenager studying 169 days per year. Minus those self declared holidays I think the total is just barely 160 days. Ayeeeee Malaysia Boleh !

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